LOC-PRO Series
System Controller Assemblies
Factory assembled and tested System Controller Assemblies are NEC Compliant, designed for use with a separate custom control panel, or touchscreen computer that communicates via RS-485. See the Operator Interface section for available options.
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System Controller
An HC-0682 System Controller master (or slave) can communicate via two RS-485 channels with up to fourteen HC-0682 slave modules and / or HC-0701 Remote Panel Controllers. and a host PC.
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HC-0714 / HC-0715 (Comm Buss)
32 Input /
32 Output
The HC-0714 provides a communications interface for thirty-two inputs into the HC-0682 System Controller. The HC-0715 provides a communications interface for thirty-two outputs from the HC-0682 System Controller.
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HC-0850 / HC-0851 (RS-485)
48 Input /
48 Output
The HC-0851 provides a communications interface for FORTY-EIGHT OPTO-ISOLATED inputs into the HC-0682 System Controller.
The HC-0850 provides a communications interface for FORTY-EIGHT OPTO-ISOLATED outputs from the HC-682 System Controller
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Remote Panel Controller
The HC-0701 communicates with an HC-0682 System Controller, or a Personal Computer, via a single twisted pair shielded RS-485 data cable. Multiple HC-0701 modules may be used on control panels with greater than 128 I/O.
Note: LED supervision boards, HC-0804 and HC-0806. The HC-701 cannot be used in combination with the Remote Panel Controller.
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20 X 20 Controller
The HC-0821 is a programmable logic microcontroller Any I/O logic functions your project requires can be performed by this unit. Four dip switches and four LEDs are fully programmable, along with all of the input and output points. A separate green module status LED is also provided. Typical uses: Alarms, "Flashing Travel", location annunication, etc.
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HC-0832 / HC-0833 / HC-0834
32 / 64 / 96 Point Omron Input /
Output Cable Adapters
The HC-0851 provides a communications interface for FORTY-EIGHT OPTO-ISOLATED inputs into the HC-0682 System Controller.
The HC-0850 provides a communications interface for FORTY-EIGHT OPTO-ISOLATED outputs from the HC-682 System ControllerThis HC-0832 connector adapts the supplied connectors from an Omron C200 Series DC Input Module, to a 34 conductor ribbon connector, with a common 24VDC ground connection at both the top and the bottom. Each HC-0832 Input Module Adapter converts thirty-two input points. Two are required for each sixty-four point input module.